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Fleet Management

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Fleetio Software Implementation

As part of TCU’s efforts to improve business processes, increase transparency, and enhance efficiency for the Fleet team, we are pleased to officially announce the introduction of Fleetio - a cloud-based fleet management software that enables us to streamline our operations and effectively manage our fleet.

Fleetio will allow us to easily:

  • Stay on top of vehicle maintenance, submit service entries electronically, and ensure vehicle/operator safety.
  • Keep track of tasks and communicate efficiently.
  • Quickly and effectively submit inspections.

We will be scheduling informational sessions and providing instructional materials to ensure a smooth transition.

The rollout is scheduled in phases. Each subsequent phase will begin once the previous group’s rollout is successfully completed.

  • Phase 1: Facilities / Complete
  • Phase 2: Campus Police / Complete
  • Phase 3: Res Svcs, Ranch Management, IT / Complete
  • Phase 4: Athletics / In-Progress
  • Phase 5: Army/Band/Biology/Campus Rec/Environmental Studies
  • Phase 6: Geology/IBR/Theatre
  • Phase 7: Advancement/BLUU/Chancellor/Library/Safety/Student Affairs

We thank you in advance for embracing this exciting new platform. Please do not hesitate to email us with any questions at

Our guide serves as a resource for campus users, outlining procedures and best practices for managing university vehicles efficiently.

TCU Fleet Management Guide - August 2024

The Pool Vehicle Instructions provide campus users with guidelines on reserving, using, and returning shared university vehicles.

Fleet Pool Reservation Instructions

Visit the Risk Management page for detailed instructions on reporting incidents or accidents, and be sure to notify Fleet Management at as well.

TCU Risk Management

Contact the Risk Management team to arrange golf cart safety training.

TCU Risk Management

Department Contacts