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Risk Management

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student sitting on campus enjoying the nice weather.

The primary function of the Risk Management Department is to provide safe and healthy conditions for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Yet our staff alone can’t make TCU a safe place. Safety begins in the labs, shops, offices, and dorms where we work and live. It is the responsibility of every employee and student at the University to use common sense and to look out for his or her safety and the safety of others.

Increasing Safety, Reducing Risk

Health and safety programs deal with risk. While there is no such thing as “zero risk,” the University’s health and safety programs are designed to minimize unreasonable risks through sound, common sense practices. Our staff keeps abreast of the many federal, state, and local laws, regulations and standards designed to protect the health and safety of workers and students and the environment. We translate them into health and safety practices and programs which fit into the unique requirements of the University as a teaching and research institution, and work to help departments and individuals comply with them.

Risk Management Forms

Departmental Contacts

The Office of Risk Management is physically located on the second floor of The Harrison Building, in the Finance and Administration Suite.

  • Kim Adams
    Assistant Vice Chancellor, Risk Management and Internal Audit
    Office: 817-257-4506
  • Jonathan Brown
    Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator
    Office: 817-257-7220
  • Richard Adickes
    Hazardous Materials Safety Manager
    Office: 817-257-5395
  • Latrina Durham
    Risk Management Specialist
    Office: 817-257-7711
  • Amanda Fletcher-Dembicki
    Laboratory Safety Specialist
    Office: 817-257-1769